The old Wrigley Doublemint Elves scoreboard awaits its ultimate fate in left field during an extensive renovation of Wrigley Field. The year is 1937. The North Siders erect a temporary wall across the entire Wrigley Field outfield during the baseball season, to allow construction of a new massive, hand-operated scoreboard in center field. The project includes new concrete bleachers as well, to replace the old wooden ones, and ivy along along the outfield walls. Amazingly, the North Siders play through all this construction madness and manage to win 93 games. But it’s not enough, as they finish second, three games behind the New York Giants.
Note the mischievous, in not maniacal, play of the Wrigley CompanyDoublemint chewing gum elves atop the old structure. One appears to be throwing a rotten tooth at the other, who waits, toothbrush in hand. Or maybe not. In actuality, one elf pitches a ball (on a wire) to another elf, bat in hand. Who says there were no advertisements allowed in the park!? Sadly, no portion of the Wrigley Doublemint Elves scoreboard survives, tossed aside like so many things, to its final resting place on the scrapheap of history.